ANUPI Membership Benefits
ANUPI gives its members the opportunity to network with colleagues both nationally and internationally. For this purpose, ANUPI has created a membership directory of contact information that will be sent to all members. Contact information will only be published with the member's consent. Information and authorization will be requested upon membership renewal each year.
Another benefit to having an ANUPI membership is for professional development and promotion within the field. Like TESOL, our ANUPI affiliate offers members the ability to add this membership to a CV, which will in-turn provide our members with a professional edge.
With membership, ANUPI professionals receive a subscription to our bi-annual newletter, which includes pertinent information in the TESOL field, including:
Information about the ongoing activities and operations of the ANUPI association and what the Board members are working on.
Academic articles contributed by our members.
Relevant Information concerning the annual TESOL Conference.
Professional development opportunities: local, regional, and international.
Practical teaching ideas for the classroom.
Job opportunities.
Access to the Members' Section.
Members receive invitations to attend information breakfasts to discuss issues such as job opportunities, teacher certification through Teachers of English to Spanish Speakers Test (TESST), and the English proficiency test English Language Assessment System for Hispanics (ELASH).
ANUPI members are welcome to volunteer in the organization and implementation of the yearly ANUPI conference. This also includes outreach, publicity, and written contributions to the newsletter.
ANUPI members receive a hotel and registration discount at the yearly ANUPIinternational conference.
1. Membership is $500 MXN per year.
·Bank: Santander
·Bank deposit Name: Colegio de Profesionales en la Enseñanza del Ingles, COPEI A.C.
·Account number: 92-00148810- 9
·Bank transfer /CLABE: 014650 9200148 81090
(Paypal includes 5% commission payment)
2. Finally, please fill in the Online Registration.