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" Shaping the future of ELT: Trends and insights from theory to practice "


Deadline May 31st , 2025. . 


Presenter´s Guidelines for completing the Speaker Proposal Form


To ensure that your proposal qualifies for selection, please read the guidelines below. Your proposal will not be considered unless it meets the guidelines.


1.  Details of Presenters:

Please write your full name and work affiliation clearly. This information will be printed in the program.


2.  Title of presentation

The maximum number of words in the title is 12.


3.  Type and Length of Presentation


a) Paper: A paper describes what you are doing, or have done, in relation to theory and practice.   Its content must be of relevance and use to participants who work outside your local context. Papers are 20 minutes long. Try to use visual aids during the session.


b) Demonstration: A demonstration is an academic presentation in which most of the time is used for showing, rather than telling, a technique for teaching or testing. Demonstrations are 20 minutes long. Try to use visual aids during the session.


c) Workshop: A workshop includes active participation through experiencing and discussing tasks provided by the presenter. Workshops are 50 minutes long. We do our best to program a workshop in a room with moveable furniture but cannot guarantee this.



4.  The abstract

The abstract will appear in the Conference Program, it should therefore accurately reflect the content of your presentation. No abstract may contain an offer of a free book or other materials. The abstract must be 50 to 60 words in length. An abstract which is below 50 words or above 60 words will not be considered.


 5.  The summary

All proposers are required to submit a 250-word summary. The summary will be read by the Academic Conference Committee. The summaries do not appear in the program.


6. “Cardinal Rules”

*Do not run over your allocated time


*Power point font size – HUGE please. Minimum 28pt


*On your first slide, please include the Title of your presentation, Name of Presenter(s), affiliation (if any) and your email address.




The Academic Conference Committee will review and select those presentations which…


  1. have a direct relationship to the conference and are relevant to the audience.

  2. have a clear and precise organization.

  3. guarantee the Committee that the speaker knows the subject.

  4. are complete, edited and free of typographical mistakes.

  5. are not used to promote or sell the products or services of the speaker or others.


Presenters are encouraged to include and involve their audience, presenting in such a way as to stimulate the interest of the conference participants. It is strongly discouraged the reading aloud of written papers.


Before submitting your proposal, please read the notes below:


Speakers may not submit or appear on more than two proposals, either as lead or co-presenters.

  • The Conference Committee cannot guarantee a minimum or maximum number of participants in any presentation.

  • Presenters and co-presenters must pay the conference fee before August 15.  Your session may be cancelled if you are not registered. The registration fee is Non-refundable.

  • All presenters should wear business attire during their presentations. The purpose of the dress code is to uphold the professional image of the conference.

  • Presenters are encouraged to include and involve their audience, presenting in such a way as to stimulate the interest of the conference participants. It is strongly discouraged the reading aloud of written papers.


Conference 2024 Subtopics:


  • Healthy socioemotional classrooms.

  • Training for new technologies.

  • Alternative teaching strategies to enrich differentiated learning.

  • The importance of planning meaningful lessons.


A kind reminder, something in your session must be NEW, PRACTICAL, INTERESTING,  CHALLENGING, and STIMULATING.



To submit your proposal, click here





For Mac users: please ask the form to be directly sent to your email at

Horario de oficina : Lunes a Viernes de 09:00 - 14:00 y 16:00 - 18:00


25 Poniente No. 4105, Col. Belisario Domínguez, Puebla, Pue. C.P. 72180


+52 554 369 0322

+52 222 231 45 01

+52 222 248 26 25

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